STOREP CONFERENCES, STOREP 2016 - Engines of growth and paths of development in the minds of analysts, policy makers and human beings

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María Eugenia Romero Sotelo

Last modified: 2016-06-17


The thirties in Mexico were an intense period filled with conflict between the State and several groups from the private sector which felt threatened by the nationalistic economic policies of the government of the General Lázaro Cárdenas (1934-1940):  the nationalizing processes and the social politics were the main factors that tensed these relationships. Since then, bussinessmen and liberal intelectuals began to create institutions that would fight and stop the politics of the nationalistic and interventionist Mexican State. Mainly, they constituted business and educational organizations that would promote a market economy in Mexico and Latin America during the 20th century. For example, in Mexico, some of these include: the Association of Bankers of Mexico, the Mexican Association of Culture, the Mexican Institute of Technology, The Ludwig von Mises Institute, among others. The aim of this paper is to study the process of the origin and development of these instututions that promoted the installation of neoliberalism in Mexico and their combat against the economic policies of the country’s Welfare State.

The Bankers Association of Mexico which, although founded by President Cardenas period, was an important organization for members of the liberal current, and that mostly came from the banking sector. The Institute of Economic and Social Studies, the Institute of Social and Economic Research, AC, and Ludwig von Mises Institute Cultural, AC, were also important for the diffusion of the current. The institutions named were created as pressure groups by the liberal current in order to defend their interests and promote their country approaches. Through them they made promotional and advertising of liberal doctrines, and acted contrary to the ideas of the Mexican Revolution and the aims of economic policy Cardenas: state intervention and nationalizing processes. It is noteworthy that all these Mexican organizations were linked to other international liberal institutions as was the case of Mont Pelerin Society and extended their networks to several Latin American countries. With the approach to knowledge of these organisms have been able to open a line of research that will allow in the future know more deeply the evolution of liberal thought in Mexico.


Neoliberal Institutions

Full Text: Paper Romero Sotelo