STOREP CONFERENCES, STOREP 2019 - The Social Rules! Norms, Interaction, Rationality

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Institutionalist Clues in the Thought of Niklas Luhmann
Maurizio Caserta, Salvatore Spagano

Last modified: 2019-06-14


In this paper we try to identify some points of contact and divergence between institutional research and the theoretical endeavour of Niklas Luhmann. The first difficulty of such an attempt is the linguistic one, as Luhmann basically uses the term “institution” in the juridical meaning of the term. So, whereas this meaning is just a part of the whole institutional phenomenon, the remaining part of what can be considered as “institutional” in his thought has to be traced outside of what he explicitly defines as such. The second difficulty consists in the fact that Luhmann infers his whole theoretical construction from constructivist and relational-oriented assumptions. This obviously implies the abandonment of other epistemic alternatives. In spite of such obstacles, however, we maintain that the institutional scholars, especially the economists, may take advantage from an in-depth analysis of the Luhmannian theories. In particular, we identify the main point of contact with institutional research in the concept of autopoiesis, which is an absolutely central concept in the work of the German philosopher. Such a concept could in particular help make clear both some preconditions for the genesis of institutions and the essential components of them. Secondarily, the recurring references of Luhmann to an evolutionary perspective may be a valuable connection with an evolutionary view of institutionalism.

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