STOREP CONFERENCES, STOREP 2018 - Whatever Has Happened to Political Economy?

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Economic journals before and after the financial crisis
Alberto Baccini

Last modified: 2018-06-27


This paper presents maps constructed from data about editorial boards of economic journals. Interlocking editorship (IE) is the central notion of the paper. IE indicates the crossed presence of scholars on editorial boards of different journals {Baccini, Barabesi 2009, 2010}: the editorial boards of two journals are interlocked if at least a scholar listed on the editorial board of a journal sits also in the editorial board of the other journal. The proximity of two scientific journals in the IE network can be assessed by the number of common editors sitting on theirĀ  boards. A database of all editors of ECONLIT journals in 2006 and 2012 is used. The structure of the network generated by the interlocking editorship is explored applying the instruments of network analysis. Communities of journals are detected by using algorithms based on modularity.


Economic journals, scienometrics, network analysis, interlocking editorship, communities

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