STOREP CONFERENCES, STOREP 2018 - Whatever Has Happened to Political Economy?

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Two Auxiliary Hypotheses to Generalize Darwinism
Salvatore Spagano

Last modified: 2018-06-20


This paper agrees with the claim that Darwinian way of thinking aboutsocio-economic phenomena does not imply a mechanistic aptitude of theinvolved agents. Nothing in the Darwinian evolutionism excludes a fullhuman freedom. However, one case exists where the Generalized Darwinismcannot explain the results of the human intervention. Therefore, atleast in such a case, auxiliary Hypotheses are needed.The first hypothesis is about interpreting the individual human actionas the interactor of the economic institutions. The second hypothesis isabout interpreting human free will as an element of the evolutionary environment,which the institutions have to adapt to.

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