STOREP CONFERENCES, STOREP 2017 - Investments, Finance, and Instability

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Antonio Gramsci and Piero Sraffa: Their Relationship up to Gramsci's Death (1919-1937)
Nerio Naldi

Last modified: 2017-05-27


From at least mid-1920s up to Gramsci's death, the lives of Antonio Gramsci and of Piero Sraffa came to be closely interwoven. We know that before Gramsci's arrest they had long discussions which certainly involved a wide range of subjects. After Gramsci's arrest Sraffa became one of the crucial subjects in the small number of people actively involved in providing him assistance and engaged in trying to obtain his release from prison and freedom from detention.
This paper will provide a review of main themes and episodes in the reconstruction of their relationship. It will consider economic themes, political issues and questions more strictly relating to the steps taken by Sraffa to assist Gramsci between 1926 and 1937.

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